We started TopTenBestSoftware.com to help make it easier for people to find software that works for them. This project started with very humble beginnings with our computers connected to a cellular device in our homeland of Costa Rica. You can read more about the company at our about page.

TopTenBestSoftware.com is a for-profit website and may be compensated by some of the software companies seen in our listings. We may receive a fee when one of our visitors purchases a software program from one of the partners listed on our website. Please note that we do not receive a fee from all the software programs or services listed on our website, but it does make up a large percentage of the offers. Additionally, not all the fees we receive are the same. Compensation from a partner may impact where products appear on this website (for example, the order in which they appear in the rating table). Partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews or ratings. In addition to compensation, we use a weighted scoring methodology based on certain criteria we feel will result in a good user experience with a recommended product or service, you can read about our scoring process here.

No one associated with TopTenBestSoftware.com receives the final direction from our software partners listed on our website. We do not publish favorable reviews, unfavorable reviews, or assessments from the direction of a software partner. One of the most important rating criteria for us is customer service. The software programs listed at our website all provide value, however, it’s the companies that go the extra mile to provide great customer service which gets our highest rankings in a specific category. Other factors such as product value, product capabilities, and the business relationships that we have garnered with a partner company are important influences as well. Companies that stand behind their products, that are not afraid to get on the phone with a customer, that quickly respond to inquiries, and truly care about the customer experience will receive high marks in our rating system.If you have any questions about a company or a partner mentioned at our website, please let us know by sending an email to support@toptenbestsoftware.com. If you are a prospective partner and you want to learn more about working with TopTenBestSoftware.com, click here. Please do not submit an inquiry to work with us if providing the highest level of customer service is not your top priority.

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